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Kremper Kümmel


Traditional Kremper caraway spirit

8,99 (€12,84 per l)
Including tax 13,99 You save: €5,00 (36%)
Contents: 0,7l
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Delivery details
Delivery to Germany: 7,90
Shipping time: 1-3 working days
Geschmack mild
Alkoholgehalt 35% vol.
Herkunft Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

More information about Kremper Kümmel

The mild caraway spirit from the Kremper Marsch

The town of Krempe is the central municipality of Kremper Marsch and is located between Glückstadt, Itzehoe and Elmshorn. Krempe is the smallest town in Holstein, was first mentioned in a document in 1234 and was granted town charter in 1239.

From 1535, Krempe was fortified at the behest of the Danish King Christian III. A wide moat was dug, bastions erected and four town gates built. The fortress was the second largest in Holstein after Rendsburg. At this time, the town was flourishing economically. Products from the fertile marsh were exported to Arkhangelsk, Venice and Lisbon via the Kremper Au, which was still navigable at the time. The fortress fell in 1628 after several months of siege by Wallenstein's troops. The surrendering city commander is said to have held a rat in front of Wallenstein's nose with the following words: Dat is de letzte. If we had any more, we would have had longer!

Kümmel or Köm is a traditional schnapps in northern Germany, similar to aquavit. It is drunk well chilled or hot in a tea punch. The caraway herb used in this distillate stimulates the appetite, relaxes and aids digestion.

Kremper Kümmel is characterized by a special mildness without being too sweet. It is produced in small batches using traditional methods.

Contents: 0,7 Liter
Beverage type: Spirit
Color: clear
Country: Germany
Place: Bahrenfleth
Manufacturer: Holstein spirits
Food companies: Holsteiner Geister, Hohenweg 1, 25569 Bahrenfleth

Holstein spirits

Holsteiner Geister ist eine Likörmanufaktur aus der Kremper Marsch, die weit über die Stadtgrenzen hinaus bekannt ist. Ihr Aushängeschild, der „Kremper Bittern“, hat sogar den Weg bis nach Amerika gefunden. Werner Ott hob den legendären Kremper Bittern mit viel Fachwissen und Leidenschaft auf ein neues Qualitätsniveau und verfeinerte das traditionelle Rezept - und ergänzte das Sortiment um weitere hochwertige Liköre wie den Kremper Kümmel und den winterlichen "Bratapfel". Jetzt übernimmt Helge Pahl, ein echter Kremper Jung und Mitbegründer der Wacken Brauerei, das Ruder. Unter dem neuen Namen „Holsteiner Geister“ wird er die bewährten Rezepturen fortführen – selbstverständlich ohne daran zu rütteln.

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