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Black garlic: the culinary miracle for your health

by Honest & Rare Editorial Team
Schwarzer Knoblauch: Das kulinarische Wunder für die Gesundheit

The most important facts summarized for you:

  • Black garlic is the fermented version of white garlic.
  • It probably originated in Asia.
  • Black garlic has many health-promoting properties and is recognized as a functional food.
  • The taste of black garlic is sweet, with some interesting notes.

Buying black garlic

Black garlic - that sounds unusual at first, doesn't it? But don't worry, this black wonder bulb is not burnt! In fact, it's just normal garlic that has been fermented. The dark bulbs not only contain lots of flavors, but also lots of nutrients! Here's what else you need to know about black garlic.

Black garlic: what's behind the fermented delicacy?

Black garlic is the fermented version of classic white garlic. The fresh garlic is stored for several weeks under precisely controlled conditions, which gives it its deep black color and a very special taste. This process not only changes its appearance, but also its chemical composition and health benefits.

Schwarzer, also fermentierter Knoblauch, gilt als wahres Superfood.
Black garlic, i.e. fermented garlic, is considered a true superfood.

The origin of black garlic: a journey through history

Garlic has been fermented for ages. Its origins are thought to lie primarily in Korea and Japan, where the fermentation process has been used for centuries to make food more durable and digestible. Black garlic is an integral part of traditional Korean cuisine in particular, where fermented foods play a central role.

The bulb was also used as a remedy in early traditional Chinese medicine - it was believed to increase energy and promote longevity. Taoism, which places great value on the balance of yin and yang, saw black garlic as an energetically balanced food that strengthened both the body and the mind.

In modern times, black garlic was rediscovered by the modern food industry in the early 2000s and gained popularity in Japan and South Korea. In Japan in particular, consumption increased after the first scientific studies proved its health benefits. Black garlic was recognized as a functional food, and soon after the trend continued worldwide.

Production: Fermentation - a process that requires patience

The production of black garlic is a time-consuming process that requires patience and precision. Fresh garlic is fermented for around 90 days at a constant temperature of around 70 degrees Celsius and a humidity of 80 to 90 percent. During this process, the sulphur compounds, which are responsible for the intense smell and pungent taste of raw garlic, break down. Instead, melanoidins are produced, which give the garlic its dark color and velvety texture.

Another advantage of the fermentation process is that black garlic contains less sugar than its raw version, which makes it easier to digest.

Schwarzer Knoblauch kann sich auch positiv auf die Gesundheit auswirken. So kann der fermentierte Knoblauch antibakteriell wirken und freie Radikale ausbremsen.
Black garlic can also have a positive effect on health. For example, fermented garlic can have an antibacterial effect and slow down free radicals.

What health benefits does it have?

Garlic in general is extremely beneficial to health, but the fermented version of the bulb offers you additional benefits:

  • It can prevent cardiovascular disease and has an antibacterial effect. It is also a natural cholesterol-lowering agent.
  • Fermentation produces antioxidants that inhibit free radicals and protect the cells.
  • Black garlic also contains fewer polysaccharides than white garlic, which makes it easier to digest.

What does black garlic taste like?

Black garlic has a surprisingly complex, sweet taste. The sharp, biting note of fresh garlic gives way to an aroma reminiscent of a mixture of licorice, balsamic vinegar, plum and a hint of caramel. This depth of flavor makes it a unique ingredient that enriches dishes in a special way.

Health benefits: More than just a superfood

Like fresh garlic, black garlic also offers a variety of health benefits. Fermentation produces additional antioxidants that fight free radicals and can therefore improve cell protection. Other health-promoting effects include

  • Cardiovascular health: black garlic can help lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.
  • Antibacterial effect: The fermented compounds can strengthen the immune system and fight bacteria.
  • Improved digestion: Due to the reduced sugar content, black garlic is gentler on the digestive system and causes less stomach discomfort than the raw bulb.

Fermentierter Knoblauch eignet sich hervorragend zum verfeinern von verschiedensten Gerichten, wie Pizza, Marinaden, als Beigabe zu Dressings - oder sogar pur als Snack.
Fermented garlic is ideal for refining a wide variety of dishes, such as pizza, marinades, as an addition to dressings - or even on its own as a snack.

Use in the kitchen: versatile and unusual

The versatility of black garlic makes it a popular ingredient in many cuisines. Its sweet, mild flavor is perfect for a wide variety of dishes. Here are some possible uses:

  • Rice and noodle dishes: finely chopped, it adds a sweet and sour spice to Asian dishes.
  • Sauces and dips: Black garlic goes wonderfully in pestos, sauces or marinades, where it adds a unique depth.
  • Pizza and pasta: It unfolds its delicate, caramelized note on pizzas or in pasta sauces.
  • Meat and fish: Black garlic is a great spice for marinades or as an addition to grilled meat and fish
  • Snacks and desserts: For chefs who like to experiment, black garlic can even be used in sweet dishes or as a healthy snack.

How do you store black garlic?

Black garlic should be stored in a cool, dry place. If stored correctly, it will keep for several months. For use, the soft cloves can simply be removed from the bulb with a fork.

If you are looking for new culinary experiences and at the same time value a healthy diet, you should definitely give black garlic a try. Whether you use it as an ingredient in sophisticated dishes or enjoy it on its own, it offers something for every taste.

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