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Exotic fruit wines: a look at wines made from exotic fruits

by Honest & Rare Editorial Team
Exotische Fruchtweine: Ein Blick auf Weine, die aus exotischen Früchten hergestellt werden

The most important facts summarized for you

  • Exotic fruit wines are made from unusual fruits such as mangoes, lychees and passion fruit.
  • These wines offer unique flavor profiles and aromas.
  • The production of fruit wines is a creative process that requires a lot of experimentation.
  • Exotic fruit wines are an exciting alternative to traditional grape wines.

Exotic fruit wines are an exciting and delicious alternative to traditional wines. They are made from unusual fruits such as mangoes, lychees and passion fruit and offer unique flavor profiles and aromas. Here you can find out all about the world of exotic fruit wines and how they are made.

What are exotic fruit wines?

Exotic fruit wines are wines made from fruits that are not typically used in winemaking. Instead of grapes, fruits such as mangoes, lychees and passion fruit are used. These wines offer an exciting variety of flavors and aromas that you won't find in traditional wines.

Exotische Fruchtweine werden, anders wie herkömmlicher Wein nicht aus Trauben, sondern aus tropischen Früchten hergestellt
Unlike traditional wine, exotic fruit wines are not made from grapes, but from tropical fruits

The production of exotic fruit wines

The production of exotic fruit wines is a creative process that requires a lot of experimentation. Here are the basic steps:

1. selecting the fruit

Choosing the right fruit is crucial. They should be ripe and of high quality to achieve the best flavor.

2. preparing the fruit

The fruit is washed, peeled and cored. They are then crushed to extract the juice.

3. fermentation

The fruit juice is mixed with sugar and yeast and left to ferment. This process can take several weeks.

4. maturation

After fermentation, the wine is filtered and bottled. It then matures for several months to develop its full flavor.

Exotische Fruchtweine können aus Mango, Litschi oder auch Passionsfrucht hergestellt werden
Exotic fruit wines can be made from mango, lychee or passion fruit

Popular exotic fruit wines

Here are some of the most popular exotic fruit wines you can try:

Mango wine

Mango wine has a sweet and tropical taste. It is perfect for warm summer days and goes well with light dishes and desserts.

Lychee wine

Lychee wine has a floral and slightly sweet taste. It is refreshing and goes well as an aperitif or with Asian dishes.

Passion fruit wine

Passion fruit wine has an intense and exotic taste. It is ideal for special occasions and goes well with spicy dishes.

Tips for enjoying exotic fruit wines

Here are some tips to get the best out of your exotic fruit wine:

1. serve well chilled

Exotic fruit wines taste best when well chilled. Make sure they are sufficiently chilled before serving.

Exotische Fruchtweine solltest du immer gut gekühlt servieren
You should always serve exotic fruit wines well chilled

2. use suitable glasses

Use wine glasses that bring out the aromas of the wine. A bulbous glass is ideal for concentrating the aromas.

3. combine with suitable dishes

Combine exotic fruit wines with suitable dishes. Light, fresh dishes and desserts go particularly well.


Exotic fruit wines are an exciting and delicious alternative to traditional grape wines. With their unique taste profiles and aromas, they offer a special pleasure experience. Try these wines and discover the variety of exotic fruits in liquid form. Cheers!

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