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Jackfruit: The meatless star of vegan cuisine

by Honest & Rare Editorial Team
Jackfruit: Der fleischlose Star der veganen Küche

The most important facts summarized for you:

  • Jackfruit is a tropical fruit that is mainly native to Asia.
  • It has a meat-like consistency and is an excellent substitute for meat.
  • Jackfruit is rich in fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants.
  • It can be used in both savory and sweet dishes.
  • The fruit is versatile and easy to prepare.

What is jackfruit and what does it taste like?

Jackfruit is a large, tropical fruit that is mainly grown in South East Asia, India and Bangladesh. It can weigh up to 35 kg and has a thick, prickly skin.

When unripe, the flesh is light in color and neutral in taste, making it an ideal meat substitute. When ripe, the jackfruit has a sweet, pineapple-like flavor.

Where does jackfruit come from?

Jackfruit originally comes from the rainforests of India and Malaysia. Today, it is grown in many tropical regions of the world, including Africa, South America and Australia.

Its popularity as a food has increased significantly in recent years, particularly in vegan and vegetarian cuisine.

Das Fruchtfleisch der Jackfruit eignet sich hervorragend zur Zubereitung von Fleisch-Alternativen.
The flesh of the jackfruit is ideal for preparing meat alternatives.

How is jackfruit prepared?

Jackfruit is easy to prepare and only requires a few steps:

  • Preparation: open the fruit and remove the flesh. If using canned jackfruit, drain the contents and rinse well.
  • Cooking: Jackfruit can be boiled, fried or grilled. It is ideal for curries, stews and as a base for vegan pulled pork dishes.
  • Seasoning: As jackfruit is naturally mild, it absorbs spices and marinades well. Use strong spices and sauces to add flavor.

Health benefits of jackfruit

Jackfruit offers numerous health benefits:

  • It is high in fiber, which aids digestion and keeps you full for a long time.
  • Vitamin C and antioxidants in jackfruit strengthen the immune system and protect cells from damage.
  • The fruit is low in fat and calories, making it a healthy addition to any diet.
  • Potassium in jackfruit can support heart health and regulate blood pressure.

Jackfruit ist eine tolle Fleisch-Alternative für Burger, Tacos & Co.
Jackfruit is a great meat alternative for burgers, tacos & co.

Why is jackfruit so popular?

The popularity of jackfruit can be attributed to several factors:

  • Versatility: jackfruit can be used in a variety of dishes, from savory curries to sweet desserts.
  • Meat-like texture: Its fibrous structure makes it an ideal meat substitute in vegan and vegetarian recipes.
  • Sustainability: The cultivation of jackfruit is more environmentally friendly than the production of meat, making it a sustainable alternative.

Creative recipe ideas with jackfruit

Here are some creative recipe ideas to incorporate jackfruit into your cooking:

  • Jackfruit tacos: fill tortillas with spiced jackfruit, avocado and fresh coriander for a delicious Mexican dish.
  • Jackfruit curry: Cook the fruit with coconut milk, curry paste and vegetables for an aromatic curry.
  • Jackfruit BBQ sandwiches: Prepare a vegan version of the classic BBQ sandwich with jackfruit and your favorite BBQ sauce.
  • Jackfruit smoothies: Use ripe jackfruit in smoothies for an exotic, sweet touch.

Jackfruit is an incredibly versatile and healthy food that no vegan or vegetarian kitchen should be without. With its meat-like bite and neutral flavor, it is the perfect base for a variety of dishes.

Try jackfruit and discover the many culinary possibilities this tropical fruit has to offer.