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Pitaya: The secret of the exotic dragon fruit

by Honest & Rare Editorial Team
Pitaya: Das Geheimnis der exotischen Drachenfrucht

The most important facts summarized for you:

  • Pitaya, also known as dragon fruit, belongs to the cactus family.
  • It is rich in vitamin C, fiber and antioxidants.
  • There are 3 different varieties of dragon fruit.
  • The first harvest can only take place after 20 years.
  • It supports the immune system, promotes digestion and contributes to skin health.

What exactly is dragon fruit and what does it taste like?

Dragon fruit, also known as pitaya, is an exotic fruit that comes from various types of cacti. It is characterized by its bright pink or yellow skin and its white or red flesh, which is covered with many small, black seeds. The flesh of the dragon fruit has a jelly-like consistency.

It comes in 3 different varieties:

  • Pink skin with red flesh
  • Pink skin with white flesh
  • Yellow skin with white flesh - considered the sweetest of the 3 varieties

Die Pitaya, auch Drachenfrucht genannt, gibt es in drei verschiedenen Sorten.
The pitaya, also known as dragon fruit, comes in three different varieties.

Where does the dragon fruit come from?

The dragon fruit originally comes from Central America, particularly Mexico and Central America. Today, however, it is cultivated in many tropical and subtropical regions of the world, including Vietnam, Thailand, Israel and the Philippines.

The plants thrive best in warm climates and require little water, making them a sustainable crop.

Did you already know? The cream-colored pitaya flower only opens for a single night, which is why it is known as the "Queen of the Night". During this window of time, the flowers are pollinated by bats and moths. It also has an impressive size with a diameter of up to 25 cm.

Health benefits

Dragon fruit is not only delicious, but also extremely healthy:

  • Rich in antioxidants: these help to fight free radicals in the body and protect cells from damage. Antioxidants are important because they can slow down the aging process and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
  • Vitamins: With their high vitamin C content, they can support the immune system and promote collagen production for healthy skin. Vitamin C can also help to heal wounds and strengthen connective tissue. The dragon fruit also contains vitamins A and B.
  • High in fiber: Can aid digestion and help prolong the feeling of satiety.
  • Low in calories: Ideal for a calorie-conscious diet as it is sweet and filling without providing many calories.
  • Promotes heart health: Contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which can help regulate cholesterol levels and strengthen the cardiovascular system.
  • Minerals: Also contains calcium, potassium and magnesium, which can support heart, muscle and bone health.

Die Blüte der Drachenfrucht heißt auch
The blossom of the dragon fruit is also known as the "Queen of the Night" and only blooms one night a year

Culinary use

Dragon fruit can be enjoyed in many different ways:

  • In smoothies: adds an exotic touch and a beautiful color. Combines well with other tropical fruits such as mango, pineapple and banana.
  • In fruit salads: Combines with other tropical fruits for a refreshing snack or light meal. Dragon fruit can also be mixed with yoghurt or quark to create a healthy and tasty breakfast treat.
  • As a dessert: In sorbets, yogurt or even in cakes and tarts. Dragon fruit can also be used as an ingredient in exotic cocktails.
  • In savory dishes: In salsas or as a garnish for fish dishes for a sweet and refreshing touch.

How do you eat dragon fruit?

Preparing dragon fruit is simple:

  1. Cut the fruit open lengthwise and scoop out the flesh
  2. Or peel it out and cut it into cubes. The flesh can be eaten raw or used in various recipes.
  3. Enjoy the fruit on its own or add it to smoothies, salads or desserts.

Pitayas können sowohl in Smoothies, als auch in Desserts, Salaten aber auch als Cocktail-Garnitur verwendet werden.
Pitayas can be used in smoothies, desserts, salads and even as a cocktail garnish.


The dragon fruit is a true superfruit that not only looks and tastes exotic, but is also really healthy. Whether as a snack, in your drink or as an exotic ingredient in a dessert - dragon fruit is versatile and should be a staple in every kitchen. Its high content of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants makes it a valuable addition to a balanced diet.

Try this fascinating superfruit and discover for yourself how it can enrich your meals!

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