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Vetain CRISPY Vegan Protein Bar Brownie


Juicy protein bar with dark chocolate, chocolate cream layer and crunchy protein crispies.

2,99 (€54,36 per kg)
Including tax
Quantity: 55g
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Honest & Rare Promise: Not A Mainstream Product Honest & Rare is the marketplace where we bring together the best of the pleasure world for you. Each product comes from an independent manufactory & is not widely available in stores. Your place for alternatives to the mainstream.
Delivery details
Delivery to Germany: 4,90
Free delivery from: 50,00
Shipping time: 1-3 working days
Essen-Stil Protein bar
Glutenfrei Gluten free
Laktosefrei Lactose free
Ohne Palmöl Without palm oil
Ohne raffinierten Zucker Without refined sugar
Vegan Vegan

More information about Vetain CRISPY Vegan Protein Bar Brownie

With Crispy, we want to redefine protein bars: With an irresistible taste, full of protein power and no added sugar or artificial sweeteners, our Crispy is the perfect protein snack for athletes, nutrition-conscious people and anyone who loves chocolate bars.

Keep in mind: proteins support your muscles in building and maintaining and also ensure longer satiety - which is particularly helpful during diet phases.

  • 100% clean ingredients
  • Perfect for cravings
  • Less than 4g sugar per bar
  • Very well tolerated

Perfect as a snack

Whether after training, just in between or in the evening with Netflix - everyone craves something chocolatey at some point. BUT conventional chocolate bars are usually high in sugar, unhealthy fats and contain hardly any good nutrients.

But that doesn't mean you have to give up indulgence! - at least not with our Crispy. Instead of tons of sugar, we use high-quality protein and real dark chocolate. One bar provides you with 12 g of valuable protein.

(But that's not all: we also avoid adding sugar and sweeten our protein bars with a small amount of stevia instead.

Quantity: 55g
Without gelatin: YES
Without soy: YES
Vegetarian: YES
Country: Germany
Place: Zorneding
Manufacturer: Vetain


Als sportbegeisterte Freunde suchten Luca und Philipp lange nach einem veganen Proteinpulver, das sowohl geschmacklich als auch in den Nährwerten überzeugt. Tierisches Whey führte bei ihnen zu Unverträglichkeiten, und die pflanzlichen Alternativen waren oft sandig oder schmeckten künstlich. 2020 beschlossen sie, ihr eigenes Proteinpulver zu entwickeln – hochwertig, vegan und ohne künstliche Zusätze. So entstand "Vetain", eine Kombination aus "vegan" und "retain". Nach intensiver Entwicklungsarbeit und einer erfolgreichen Kickstarter-Kampagne im Jahr 2021, bei der über 16.000 € zusammenkamen, konnten sie endlich in den Verkauf starten. Heute zählt die #Vetainfamily über 30.000 Mitglieder – und die Reise geht weiter.

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